Review of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006 – 2028) – Preferred Options Consultation
Review of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006 – 2028) – Preferred Options Consultation
This Preferred Options consultation represents the second formal stage of consultation on the South Somerset Local Plan Review and follows the Issues and Options consultation which took place during late 2017 and early 2018. The consultation period will be from 12 noon 28 June 2019 to 5pm 18 September 2019.
You are able to view summary leaflets, the consultation document with option maps and the updated evidence base; and find a consultation response form to submit your representations electronically, on the Council’s web site at Hard copies of the document can be seen during normal opening hours in Council offices at Brympton Way, Yeovil and Petters Way, Yeovil and in libraries in South Somerset. Library locations and opening hours can be found here:
Total Attachments: 1