Cary Moor Parish Council

Cary Moor Parish Council is a grouped Parish Council, formed in June 1973.  It represents the parishes of Alford, Lovington, North Barrow and South Barrow.

The Parish Council consists of ten councillors who are all volunteers, and receive no salary or expenses. Councillors are elected every four years; if there is a vacancy in the meantime, a by-election can be held if enough members of the parish request this, or the Council can co-opt someone. We are always interested in hearing from anyone who might be interested in joining the Council

Cary Moor Parish Council is one of around 10,000 community, parish and town councils in England and Wales. This is the lowest tier of local government; the town council sits below Somerset Council (SC), who control substantial resources and who have responsibility for services like education, highways, waste disposal and social services. The role of the Parish Council is to represent the whole electorate of the parishes, especially to these higher tiers of local government; for example, by commenting on planning applications, responding to consultations and raising the concerns of parishioners with those responsible for particular services (e.g. the Police).

Cary Moor  Councillors register of interests are on the Somerset Council website.

Full meetings of Cary Moor Parish Council are held on alternate months on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.15pm in North Barrow Community Hall.  The public are welcome to attend.  In the months where there is no full meeting a planning meeting may be held to discuss applications submitted during this period.