Casual Vacancy – Cary Moor Parish Council

A vacancy has arisen on the Parish Council in the parish of Alford (please see attached notice).  Are you interested in contributing, representing and making a change in your community?  Would you like to help improve the quality of life in the Parish?  The Parish council needs your experience, energy and enthusiasm!!

To stand as a councillor you must satisfy these requirements:


  • You need to be over 18 years of age
  • A British citizen, a qualifying Commonwealth citizen, or a citizen of any other member state of the European Union
  • On the Electoral Register for the council area for which you wish to stand,
  • A local government elector of the parish; or a person who during the whole of the twelve months before nomination as a candidate occupied land or other premises as owner or tenant in the parish; or has, during the same period, resided in that area or within three miles thereof; or has during the same period, had a principal or only place of work in that area


If you would like to know more please contact the Clerk, Chairman or speak to a local councillor.   Applications to be received in writing, or by email, to the Clerk at


Total Attachments: 1

Download: PC_Vacancy_Advert Oct 23 (92 KB)